Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Sorority Recruitment Tips

I am currently in my senior year of college and my fourth year in a sorority! This is the second year that I have been lucky enough to be chosen to be a Sorority Recruitment Counselor. An SRC helps women going through recruitment find where they belong within the Greek community. For some women, choosing between the chapters can be a hard and emotional decision and some women know almost immediately. Either way, recruitment is a busy and sometimes confusing time. A lot of information is thrown at you and it can be very stressful. Here are my tips for having an AMAZING sorority recruitment experience.


1.    Be Yourself.
This is my most important tip! Don’t try to be someone you’re not to try to impress a chapter. If you are not genuine during recruitment, you won’t end up in the chapter that’s the best fit for you.
2.    Don’t Gossip About Other Chapters Or Women.
As much as I love the film, I hate mean girls in real life. Recruitment is supposed to be fun and exciting and mean remarks just ruin it. This makes you seem superficial and you could offend many girls if people overhear you. Chapters are looking for girls who are genuine. Speaking badly of another chapter or girl does not make you seem like you would be a good sister.
3.    Look Presentable And Classy.
Even if your school tells you specific things you should wear to each party, the main thing is to look clean and put together. Look like you put some effort into your outfit and hair. Stick with natural looking makeup. Dress classy while still rocking your own personal style.

Philanthropy Round
House Tours
Preference Round
4.    Act Like You Want To Be There.
Chapters are looking for girls who are enthusiastic and excited to be there. If you are not talkative and engaging in the conversation, the chapter women won’t be able to get a good idea of who you are or what your personality is like.
5.    Don’t Talk About Partying/Drinking.
This makes you look like you are joining a sorority only for the parties. Chapters are looking for women who are leaders, good friends and genuine. You don’t want partying to be your first impression!
6.    Don’t Listen To Gossip.
This was hard for me when I went through recruitment as a freshman. There was a lot of gossip floating around, especially about a specific chapter. That chapter was the one I was falling in love with. It was hard for me to ignore the gossip but I’m so glad I did!
7.    Be Open-Minded.
The recruitment process works, but sometimes you won’t get asked back to your top chapter. If this happens, be open-minded! There is something amazing and special about every chapter on your campus. Give every chapter a chance. At the beginning of recruitment you could be in love with one chapter and at the end you could be in love with another. Don’t go through recruitment thinking, “I’m only joining a sorority if I get a bid from this chapter.”
8.    Do Research On Chapters.
Most chapters have a Facebook page, Twitter, Instagram, etc. This will give you an idea of who they are and what they stand for before you even meet them!


9.    Don’t Be Nervous And HAVE FUN!
The girls in the chapters are just as nervous as you are trust me! Just have fun with recruitment. The process is like nothing else you’ve ever done or will do again.

What do you think of my tips? What tips do you have for a great sorority recruitment experience? Let me know by leaving a comment!

“From the outside looking in, you can never understand it. From the inside looking out, you can never explain it.”


  1. All of the tips were very helpful and i can't wait to pick out my outfits!:)

    1. Thanks Angelina! I'm so excited for you to go through recruitment!
