Monday, August 25, 2014

College Freshman Tips

When I moved to college I was very excited and also very nervous. I chose a school that was five and a half hours away from home and I didn’t know anyone. Here are some tips that helped me when I was a freshman!

1.    Join Clubs.
It doesn’t matter what club it is. As long as you join one that sounds fun, exciting, interesting, whatever! I guarantee you will find people in that club that have the same interests as you.

2.    Talk To People In Your Classes.
Don’t choose the seat in the back corner. (I did that and made zero friends in my classes.) Sit next to someone who you think looks like a nice person and introduce yourself. You won’t die, I promise.

3.    Try To Dress Nicely For Class.
Especially at the beginning of the semester. As a fashion major, I feel like I need to tell you this. People who wear sweatpants to class are not my favorite people. Do you see your professor wearing sweatpants? If you do, transfer schools.

4.    Call Your Parents.
They raised you for the last 18 years and they are interested in what you’re doing. You don’t have to call everyday, but make an effort to chat every once in a while.

5. Don’t Knock Greek Life Until You’ve Tried It. Also, Don’t Join Just Because Everyone Else Is.
I broke my own rule. I went through Sorority Recruitment because everyone else was. And you know what? It was one of the best decisions I’ve made in college. This is how I met most of my friends in college and it’s been a very eye-opening experience.
*(Stay tuned for Sorority Recruitment tips!)

6.    There ARE Healthy Food Options On Campus.
The Freshman 15 is a real and scary thing. I know those cheese fries and brownies look super delicious but there are better things you could be eating. Also, remember portion sizes. They really make all the difference.
7.    Party At Your Own Risk.
If you love partying, good for you. If you hate partying, good for you. If you want to go out only once a semester, do it. Do whatever the hell you want.
*(Just make sure your grades don’t suffer because of it.)

“It takes courage to grow up and become who you truly are.” – E.E. Cummings


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